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Media 22/02/10

I am now currently in the editing process of my film trailer project, which is going smoothly. I have all required video filmed and loaded onto the computer.

My Trailer is based on a horror film called 'College Road'.


David Knowles : Investigator
Paul Green : Enemy
Jack Blackmore : Enemy


David Knowles, the lead story investigator for the Hereford Chronicle is convinced that strange things are happening to members of staff at the local blind college in Hereford, UK. His attempts at interviewing the principle about this had failed, and the outcome was that the members of staff concerned had either left or are on leave. However, David is convinced they have been murdered by pultagists and heads off to the college at night to investigate. Armed with only his torch and a voice recorder, David will need more than that to get out of the college alive.

More Information

I started out by choosing a genre, action being my initial choice but decided horror was better suited as doing an action trailer was very limited in terms of props. I watched a few horror trailers on the video sharing site You Tube which gave me some ideas on what to base my trailer on. It was then i started looking around the college for suited locations around the college campus in which to video each clip. After deciding on locations it was then a matter of choosing some actors, Being David Knowles, Jack Blackmore and Paul Green. Dave playing the part of the investigator while Paul and Jack play the role of ghostly dead things that roam around the campus at night. I shot different clips of Dave roaming around the college which will be put in nearer the begining of the trailer. As the trailer comes closer to the end, it builds up more of a climax to Dave being chased and being left on a cliff hanger.

Each clip that has been filmed has been cut to a matter of seconds, half a minute maximum. This is so that the trailer shows only the gripping and important parts of the film.

My next step is to finish off editing of the film and hopefully find a suitable backing track for the trailer. I hope to have all this done by the end of the last media session this week.